Here comes the bride. Here comes the mother. There goes your friend. As a woman in your 20’s or 30’s, you may be starting to wonder if there is something wrong with you. Why is it that every week, someone else announces an engagement on Facebook? Everyone seems to be in a fairy tale romance. Don’t believe everything you see.
Everyone moves through life at a different pace. Some women choose to dedicate more time to their professional careers and think about having a family after they have established themselves as accomplished women. Other women might prioritize their significant others and raising a family. One choice is not better than the other. Every woman has her own personal preferences and that is absolutely okay.
There isn’t a rulebook that states women must be married with two children by the age of 35. What if you want to travel or go back for another degree? You should be able to do those things without feeling pressured by society to rush into something you are not ready for because your “biological clock is ticking.” Maybe you might not even want to marry or have children. That is fine too!Do not rush into something you are not sure you are ready for, simply because everyone else is doing it. As a woman, you are strong, independent, and capable of making your own decisions. It doesn’t matter what your old school mother or married friends may think. Be true to yourself. Don’t be a follower. Do what you want to do, not what you think you should do. Take life one day at a time and everything will work out exactly the way it should.
By Julievette Santiago